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Rapid Transformational Therapy® embraces many of the positive aspects of hypnosis and hypnotherapy that are known to produce a transformative effect on clients, including the use of trance and hypnotic conditioning.
However, RTT® goes beyond hypnosis, diagnosing what works with clients to build a new therapeutic approach. Unlike traditional hypnotherapy, RTT® does not rely solely on positive reinforcement.
While using correct, up-to-date, and relevant language when talking to yourself is certainly a part of any transformation, it serves as more of a reinforcement of breakthroughs rather than the catalyst. RTT® therapists could reach breakthroughs via hypnosis that would not be possible if they were simply trying to access the subconscious mind via altered language and self-talk.
Your RTT® therapist is equipped with an array of techniques and tools that are crucial, not just in teaching you how to communicate with your subconscious mind but also directly accessing and fixing whatever blocks may be there. Central to that is the ability to transform many clients in a single session.
“My ability to do that doesn’t come from a single methodology; it comes from the unique layering of techniques and beliefs that I created and now teach.” Marisa Peer - Creator and founder of RTT®
Marisa identified that regardless of their issue, clients benefit from applying a particular set of techniques in a specific way that almost always brings about phenomenal changes. These insights provided the foundations for Rapid Transformational Therapy® to emerge as a distinctive therapeutic approach.
Marisa has developed a unique therapy and a range of techniques and tools that your therapist may draw on depending on a client’s presenting challenges by diagnosing what works with real clients in real sessions. Your RTT® therapist is trained to use these tools in a skillful and exploratory way following extensive training, ongoing support, and supervision.
You will work with your RTT® therapist to uncover the meaning and interpretation of events in your life and then change them.
This leads to permanent, powerful results. RTT® works by empowering the mind to tell the body what to do, for example, heal itself using a technique called Command Therapy, easily move away from addictions, and turn fear into excitement. RTT® can tell the body how to react and how to feel, and it can alter and improve the messages the body sends to the mind so things like depression, anxiety, and panic attacks can be permanently overcome.
If you are in physical or emotional pain and you want rapid results you are in the right place. RTT® aims to deliver permanent change in one to three sessions. RTT® recognizes and values the significance clients attach to their issues/problems, and then offers a powerful emotional release. You can be free from pain.
RTT® also uses Command Cell therapy as a technique for purposefully healing the body instead of positive conditioning alone. RTT® draws out “unfinished business,” meaning it is a technique for addressing the trauma that clients have held onto for many years.
Do You Need Help With
Your first appointment , the discovery call (30mins) is designed to narrow down and explore what you would like to address in your RTT Session.
I will ask you a few questions regarding the presenting problem for example anxiety, insomnia etc.. You will be asked to briefly describe how these issues affect you in your daily life, some past and relevant information about the symptoms and triggers present as a result of the issue, a bit about your childhood and finally what would like to achieve from the session and what life would look like without the problem.
RTT® Session
I will guide you into a pleasant and deeply relaxed and natural state of hypnosis, During the session you will remain reasonably aware and alert, whilst relaxed, and fully able to hear and talk to me. I will then use various RTT® techniques, including regression, to help you to find the root and the cause of the issue you wish to deal with and work towards removing any underlying negative beliefs and thought processes associated with your issue.
The discovery Call is designed to narrow down and explore what you would like to address in your RTT session. This call is online, Facebook, zoom, or over the phone.
30mins - Free
Over 4 weeks you will receive.
1 x 2-hour RTT session
2 x 30min coaching sessions
Personalized recording to listen to for 21 days.
Follow up calls as required.
Investment $620
90 min Online RTT session or in person
Additional RTT sessions for the same issue.
1 x personalized RTT recording.
Investment $399
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